I want to introduce a new model 3d origami, 3D Origami Crane ,this 3d origami bird model is 18 cm high and 8cm wide and is made from around 407 white, 79 black, dark blue 48 and light blue 72 small 3d origami pieces ,pieces are made from rectangles of paper with dimensions of 3.6-2.7cm (small pieces 64 from a A4) and around 34 very small black pieces(128 from a A4).
I use for this model 80 g/sm paper.
I use for this model 80 g/sm paper.
3D Origami Crane :
How to make 3d origami Crane part2
If you are a beginner here you have the links to : How to make 3d origami pieces
How to make 3d origami base
I hope you liked my 3D Origami Crane .
I recommend you stick each piece of the model for it to resist in time and also I recommend that you to protect the models from dust using either a window glass or plastic bell ,plastic bags.... Also another method to protect from dust is to use a protective lacquer.
If you like my tutorials and want more please subscribe to this blog or to my youtube channel Razcapapercraft.
I recommend to all origami as : a hobby and for gift ideas , hand made crafts can be ideal for a unique gift for anyone.